Who we are.
JiveOne5even is Marcus Cottom and Paul ”mexone” Vetne. We are two artist friends that found our unique views complimented one another's, and could benefit the Lansing art scene. Projects above and beyond witty t-shirt designs include painting, sculpture, illustration, and a few non-traditional arts.
JiveOne5even has taken us to several community art based events and competitions to showcase these talents. Blues and Jazz Fest in Old Town Lansing, Art Attack in REO Town, and many more.
Our roots.
Marcus originally started making t-shirts in his basement back in 2008. At that time it was strictly for sports teams and Festivus parties. Paul took notice, with a background in art/design and screen printing, he asked Marcus if he wanted to turn his t-shirt making hobby into a “real life” thing. We have been steadily trying to outwit each other since then.
Marcus is a lifelong Lansing resident while Paul came to Michigan in 1991 by way of Mexico, California, and Missouri.
Marcus attended Everett High School followed by Lansing Community College, while Paul attended high school in Battle Creek, and Art School at Andrews University in southwest Michigan.
Is JiveOne5even a full-time job for us?
Life requires the additional 9-5 grind for both of us. Paul is a professional Tattoo Artist at “The Tattoo Shop” here in Lansing while Marcus services communities all over the lower Michigan and Ohio regions. JiveOne5even started with and maintains a kind of Hall & Oates dynamic. Where Art meets Lansing but with a tongue in cheek approach! It started as a hobby but has taken on the role of a full time job where instead of medical benefits, the benefits are purely spiritual.

Our Motto.
“JiveOne5even Is For The Sons and Daughters” For those who were born and raised here. For those who transplanted to here and came to love this city who in a lot of cases gets the short end of the stick. Let’s face it, on the surface, Lansing can be a grimey, blue collar, pothole filled spot on the map. BUT, if you take the time to look beyond the abandoned factories, cardboard sign wielding vagrants, and smelly Grand River, you find a city full of culture, flavor, and history.
We’re the #LOVELANSING Party guys. Here’s why.
We came together through art from different backgrounds. As a result, we recognize the immense impact that the arts can have on the individual and as a result, all of society. While some of us were exposed and flourished from art exposure, others transcended the lack thereof. Coming up in the Public School System Marcus often noticed lack of interest by educators, limited art supplies, and generally limited resources for the arts, while other programs flourished. This continues today in a worsening condition. But there is hope. With the aid of amazing people like Amy Jo Miros and Julia Naccarato, Art Specialists for Lansing Schools, we are raising funds, and bringing attention to these needs.
What Lansing means to us.
Lansing is a city with a strong community. People are starving for local company and a t-shirt that shows this unity and where they come from. We want to help them do it in style. This we can do.
JiveOne5even’s designs and website: www.jiveone5even.com
JiveOne5even on Facebook: www.facebook.com/jiveone5even
email: jiveoneseven@gamil.com
Twitter: @JiveOne5even
Instagram: jiveone5even